1. Cruise into Spring Cadet Activities Program (CAP), 12-16 April
Activities and events are centred around daily themes; CAF Familiarization, Citizenship, Outdoor Adventure, Healthy Living and Mental Health Awareness. There will be guest speakers, including Ottawa Mayor, Jim Watson, Canadian Olympian Figure Skater, Elizabeth Manley and Speaker of the House of Commons to name a few. Cadets can choose to participate in the activities they find interesting — on their own time, and from within their homes and local neighbourhoods. You will track the activities you participate in each day in your digital CAP Passport. At the end of the week, you will receive either a gold, silver or bronze medal based on the number of activities you have completed and the points you’ve collected.
An information session will be held for cadets, parents and staff, April 7th @ 1900 hrs (7pm) . Here is the link to join the meeting.
2. Summer Training
Unfortunately, all overnight, in-person, summer training for 2021 has been cancelled. Virtual and possible Hybrid summer training opportunities will be forth coming. We will let you know the details when we know.
3. Merit Review Boards for WO2
Will take place virtually on Thursday, April 8th beginning at 1900 hrs. The MRBs will be held virtually via Google Meets. All candidates are reminded to review their Cadet Information File and let Capt. W. McGinley know of any discrepancies @ mcginleyw@638aircadets.ca
A meeting invite will be sent to all candidates. Please ensure you are ready 15 minutes prior to your allocated timing.
If you have any questions, please contact Capt. Morrisey @ morriseym@638aircadets.ca
Good Luck to FSgts Bonvile, Brown- McKie, McParland, Neadow and Yelisyeyev
4. Lottery Tickets
Today @ 10 am is the last day to purchase tickets for the Early Bird draw, here’s the link to purchase your tickets. 638 Squadron will automatically be credited with the sale to receive a % of the funds. We are relying on you to meet our goal. Please share with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your continued support.