• Saturday, June 8th is our 68th ACR (Annual Ceremonial Review). We will be hosting a final practice for cadets in the morning prior to the parade. Cadets are asked to arrive at 450 THS for 0800 hrs having had breakfast. Lunch will be provided.
    • Cadets are to wear appropriate civilian attire and bring their full uniform including wedge, boots and tie. They must also bring their health card and a filled water bottle.
    • Parents and friends are encouraged to attend the formal parade. If you wish to attend we ask that you are seated by 1230 hrs at 450THS.
  • Thursday June 13th will be an activity night at 450THS. Cadets are asked to arrive promptly at 1815 hrs. Cadets will be participating in flights on the CH147 Chinook Helicopter and presentations will be given by CAF members about their trades at 450 THS. Dress is FTUs or if you haven’t been issued FTUs, civilian attire with closed toe footwear.
  • June 14th – 16th will be our Final Challenge. Cadets are asked to arrive at 198 Zanders Road for 1900 hrs (7:00pm) on June 14th, having eaten supper. Pickup of 1430 hrs (2:30pm) on June 16th. Dress for the weekend is civilian attire. See the permission form for the kit list.
    • This will be a high energy activity weekend and cadets will be very tired by the end of it. Permission slips have been going out the last couple of weeks and are due back June 8th (the due date has been changed from June 6th). 
  • Thursday June 20th is our Annual Cadet Parent Dinner. All cadets and their families/friends are invited to attend. Cadets dressed in full uniform (C2) are free. The cost for family and friends is $25.00 per adult and $15.00 for children 12 years and under. A form for the dinner was provided to cadets on June 6th. The form has been posted on our Facebook page. Please complete and return the form by Thursday June 13th, 2024. You may also email a scanned copy of the completed form to framptonh@638aircadets.ca
  • ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook or other messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone  343-369-8257. You can also find the squadron cell phone number on our website and at the top of our facebook page.

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