- Thursday June 6 will be a practice for the upcoming Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) at 450 THS. Dress for cadets and for staff is civilian attire.
- OSLA Joint Training FTX (Field Training Exercise) will take place from May 31st to June 2nd. This activity will take place at GRN Petawawa. Permission forms were handed out on Thursday May 09, 2024. Cadets are to be dropped off at the abandoned airfield on Grn petawawa by 1800 with supper eaten (Different from permission slip). To get to the Abandoned Airfield, enter the front gate of Grn Petawawa, drive straight through 4 way stop, keep straight past the fuel pumps that are on your left, then past a tank on a pedestal also on your left, turn at the next left (about 100 M past the tank), this will bring you onto the Abandoned Airfield, turn right at the first road, follow that road to the Rappel Tower, we will be near there, and the 10 chemical toilets. Cadets are to be picked up on Sunday at 1430.
- Our ACR (Annual Ceremonial Review) is coming up quickly on June 8th. We will be hosting a final practice for cadets in the morning of June the 8th prior to the parade. Cadets are asked to arrive at 450THS for 0800 with breakfast eaten. Cadets are to bring their full uniform and a filled water bottle, lunch will be provided.
- Parents and friends are encouraged to attend the formal parade. If you wish to attend we ask that you are seated by 1230 hrs at 450THS. (See invitation below for more details)
- Cadet t-Shirts are now available for purchase at the office. The cost is $20 per shirt.
- ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook or other messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone 343-369-8257. You can also find the squadron cell phone number on our website and at the top of our facebook page.