1. Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a relaxing, enjoyable holiday! As you know, we will be continuing with Virtual training until at least 27 Jan 21.
2. Until we resume in person activities, Marksmanship is cancelled. We encourage everyone to give it a try. Captain Morrisey is keen to share his expertise and give you a chance to shoot the Daisy Air Rifle.
3.It is IMPERATIVE that you monitor your @638aircadets.ca gmail account. This, along with the 638Aircadets.ca web page and Facebook are the platforms we use to communicate details about upcoming activities for YOU. If you and your family do not review these you may miss out on important, exciting activities.
4. Air Cadet National Summer Training Course (ACNSTC) Selection Process Guide 2021 has been released. Be sure to continue to check your email, Facebook and the 638Aircadets.ca webpage for more information.
What course will you consider applying for?
5. Central Region will be offering a Cadet Correspondent (CC) Workshop, virtually and primarily self-directed, weekly on Saturday afternoons starting late this month. This challenging, interactive workshop allows cadets to learn about the important role that Public Affairs plays in getting the word out there about our amazing youth program!
More details will be shared this week
Captain Heather Frampton, CD
Commanding Officer
638 Algonquin Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
Pembroke, ON