- Monday, 29 Apr 2024 a drill practice will be held at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030 hrs. Please contact MCpl Craig at craigc@638aircadets.ca if you have any questions.
- Thursday, 2 May 2024 will be a sports night at Valour School, 19 Leeder Lane, Petawawa. Dress is pt gear including red squadron t-shirt, shorts/sweatpants/leggings, and indoor running shoes. Please bring a filled water bottle and provincial health card.
- Friday and Saturday, 26-27 Apr 24 OSLA will host a CAF Famil Day to showcase the CAF to the area Senior Cadets (Level 3 and above) at 1RCR (Bldg Y-101 ), Petawawa, ON . Cadets are to arrive at Y-101 (377 Menin Rd) after 1830 hrs but no later than 2000 hrs on Friday 26 Apr 24. Pick up is at 1630 hrs (4:30pm) at the same location.
- Our gliding day is coming up quickly on Sunday May 5th. Permission forms have been sent out and are available at the office. They must be returned by Thursday May 2nd. There are only 30 spots available and priority will be given to the cadets that were not able to fly in October followed by Senior cadets, permission slips will be handled on a first come first serve basis. If you hand in a permission slip and are no longer able to attend, please send an email to CV Oldham (oldhamd-l@638aircadets.ca) as soon as possible to ensure that the spot is filled.
- Please complete the google form located below for your lunch order ASAP. If you are included on the list of cadets attending please also provide your height and weight to CV Oldham via the email above.
- Cadet t-Shirts are now available for purchase at the office. The cost is $20 per shirt.
- ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook or other messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone 343-369-8257. You can also find the squadron cell phone number on our website and at the top of our facebook page.