- We have NOT received the expected announcement from the Regional Cadet Support Unit, Commanding Officer regarding the resumption of in-person training.
A decision will be made by 1600 hrs (4pm), Monday, 22 February as to where we will train either virtually or in person on Wednesday.
If we receive approval for in person training, we will ALL meet in person at the armoury on Wednesday, 24 February from 1900 hrs to 2100 hrs.
Facebook and the 638aircadets.ca webpage will be update with the details. - March Break Cadet Activity Program (CAP) has been moved to align with the Provincial dates of 12-16 April 2021. The same four cadets remain registered. IF you are registered and can no longer participate, please advise Captain Frampton via email framptonh@638aircadets.ca. Again, details for participants will follow in the weeks before the program. Below are the cadets registered.
Cdt R. El abbaoui
Cdt V. Baltazar
LAC S. Goudie
Sgt J. Goudie - REMINDER: Applications are now being accepted for the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence and the Lord Strathcona Medal. Narratives must be submitted to Capt Morrisey in person or via email at ch147fe@gmail.com no later than Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 2000hrs (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence
This medal is wholly sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion and is awarded in recognition of individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement. Each squadron may award one medal per training year and the Sqn CO is the approving authority; the medal may only be awarded once to any one cadet.
The primary objective of the RCL Cadet Medal of Excellence is to emphasize the citizenship aspects of the cadet program so the main selection criterion is that the cadet has participated in a minimum of three community service events, in addition to those supported by the Sqn. Additionally, the cadet must meet all annual training requirements, be regarded by peers and superiors as a model cadet, and have enhanced the Sqn through co-operation, comradeship, promotion of goodwill and morale, development of Sqn/flight/team identity and cohesiveness, teamwork, and community service.
Lord Strathcona Medal
This medal is awarded by the Lord Strathcona trust and is the highest cadet award in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training. Each squadron may award one medal per training year with the Squadron CO nominating one cadet to the Lord Strathcona Trust Provincial Committee for their approval; the medal may only be awarded once to any one cadet.
The objectives of the Lord Strathcona Medal are to encourage the improvement of the physical and intellectual capabilities of the cadets and to foster patriotism in cadets through the acquisition of a good knowledge of military matters. The selected cadet will have a high level of physical fitness, will have qualified at Level 3, have met all requirements of the squadron training program, and attended 75% of training parades in the year of nomination, will have met all requirements of the squadrons support program and participated in at least 50% of scheduled activities in the year of nomination, and have completed three years as a cadet.