638 Squadron is the 1st and only unit to date, out of the 27 units in OSLA,  to be granted approval for in-person training. We must adhere to the Public Health Measures and other rules put in place to minimize the risk of contracting/spreading COVID-19, or this approval could be rescinded.

638 Squadron has been granted approval for in-person training provided we adhere to the Public Health Measures and other rules put in place to minimize the risk of contracting/spreading COVID-19.

A hybrid training schedule will be followed for the foreseeable future. Each of you have been assigned to either Chinook Flight, Spitfire Flight or Training/Operations Flight.  For the most part, Chinook and Spitfire flights will alternate between in person and virtual training on a bi-weekly basis. Below is the schedule.

DateIn PersonVirtual
28 Oct 2020SpitfireChinook
04 Nov 2020ChinookSpitfire
11 Nov 2020AllN/A
18 Nov 2020ChinookSpitfire
25 Nov 2020SpitfireChinook
02 Dec 2020ChinookSpitfire
09 Dec 2020SpitfireChinook
16 Dec 2020AllN/A

We ALL must follow the instructions below to return to in person training:

·         Before leaving home, complete the Cadet COVID-19 Self Assessment. The link is on our website home page http://638aircadets.ca/

·         If you answer “NO” to all 12 questions, you may proceed to the armoury to attend in person.

o   IF you answer “YES” to any of the 12 questions, you shall NOT attend cadets in person. 

·         Grab your mask, a filled water bottle and a pen/pencil and notebook and head to the armoury.

·         Upon arrival, put on your mask, move to the entrance, and maintain 2m distance between yourself and others.

·         Once inside you must sign the attendance register

·         IF you did not complete the online Cadet COVID-19 Self assessment in advance you MUST complete it at the armoury. 

·         After signing in, you will move to an open space on the parade square, ensuring you maintain a 2m distance between yourself and others.


·         Reporting attendance during events is the cadet’s responsibility!

·         During in-person training: cadets must sign in on the attendance register when arriving at an activity.  This is the record that will be used for entering attendance into our system and this record will be used in case of an emergency to check who is in attendance (i.e. evacuation of the Armoury, etc…).

·         During virtual training: cadet must report to the facilitator their name at the beginning of the event or make sure to report their attendance later if they join late.

To report an absence, please do the following:

·         During in-person training: cadets or their parent/guardian must call the Squadron office at 613-732-4470 ext.227 in order to be marked excused.

·         During virtual training: cadets or their parent/guardian must email the Administration Officer at 638air@cadets.gc.ca in order to be marked excused.


Uniforms will be issued, but for now appropriate civilian attire for both in person and virtual training.

Don’t forget to follow the Logistik Measuring Instructionsand complete the 638 Cadet Uniform Measurement/Order Form located on the 638aircadets.ca/uniform/ webpage

IMPORTANT** Validation forms were sent by email to all parents on 11 October. All forms must be printed, signed, and emailed back no later than 31 October. Please pay particular attention to Section 5 (Health Information) and Section 6 (Parental Consent).

To date there are 33 cadets with outstanding Validation forms. Failure to submit forms by 31 October will prevent you from participating in both virtual and in person training. Questions can be directed to Capt Wendy McGinley via email – mcginleyw@638aircadets.ca

The Squadron is planning a 1-day FTX (Field Training Exercise) for Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 0900-1500hrs.  Cadets will learn the many aspects of aircrew survival in a safe and fun environment.  All paperwork requesting permission to conduct the activity has been submitted.  We are currently waiting for approval.  If we get the “green light” to move ahead with the exercise all coordinating instructions will be provided via the Squadron website, Facebook page, and cadets’ @638aircadets.ca emails.

Captain H.E. Frampton 

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