We are still waiting the the Regional Cadet Support Unit, Commanding Officer to approve resumption of in-person training . ALL cadet training will occur virtually, until further notice.
653 Champlain RCACS, Renfrew is fortunate to have Dr. Julielynn Wong, a former Air Cadet from 180 RCACS, as a guest speaker next Tuesday, 02 March 21. Dr. Wong is a physician-scientist with a talent for public speaking. Her work includes 3D printer development on the ISS as well as a long list of diverse accomplishments. Feel free to check out the speaker bio https://www.nsb.com/speakers/julielynn-wong/
If any cadets or staff are interested in participating, please advise Captain Frampton via email framptonh@638aircadets.ca. no later than Sunday, 28 February 21 and she will provide the Zoom meeting details.
Upcoming Virtual Training Opportunities
Key Note Speakers
The Regional Cadet Support Unit is providing two virtual, live streamed inspirational keynote speakers to supplement the squadron mandatory training program. If you are a Level 4 or 5 cadet interested in participating in BOTH sessions, please email Captain Duchene at duchened@638aircadets.ca
Registration deadline is midnight Wednesday, March 3rd
Hayley Wickenheiser – 06 Mar 20211900-2000 hrs
Hayley is a retired Canadian Olympic hockey player and the current Assistant
Director of Player Development for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Michael “Pinball” Clemons – 13 Mar 2021, 1900-2000 hrs
Michael is a Canadian Sports Hall-of-Famer | General Manager, CFL’s Toronto Argonauts
Cadet Correspondent Workshop (CCW)
If you are a Level 3 and up cadet, at least 14 years old and wish to be registered or would like more information on this virtual course please email Captain Duchene. Registration deadline is no later than midnight, Wednesday, March 3rd. You must include a brief explanation as to why you would like to take this course and how it will benefit 638 Sqn.
Contact Captain Duchene at duchened@638aircadets.ca
Psychological First Aid Courses – Self Care and Caring for Others
If you are a Level 4 and up cadet, at least 14 years old and wish to be registered or would like more information on this virtual course please email Captain Duchene. Registration deadline is midnight, Wednesday, March 10th. You must include a brief explanation as to why you would like to take this course and how it will benefit 638 Sqn.
Contact Captain Duchene at duchened@638aircadets.ca
REMINDER: Applications are now being accepted for the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence and the Lord Strathcona Medal. Narratives must be submitted to Capt Morrisey in person or via email at ch147fe@gmail.com no later than Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 2000hrs (NO EXCEPTIONS).