Cadets Paused Next Week: Cadet training will be paused next week, April 14th due to the province wide school break. Virtual training will resume on 21 April at 1900 hrs for a CO’s Address and then classes.
Summer Training: Early this morning, each cadet was emailed the course descriptions for the virtual summer course offerings. I encourage everyone to apply for at least 1 course. Each cadet will receive an email in their 638Aircadets gmail account with an application form. Please complete the form and include your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices, ensuring that any prerequisites are met. i.e age, level completed as of 30 Jun 21. Deadline is 26 April 21
Cruise into Spring Cadet Activities Program (CAP) 12-16 April: I encourage everyone to sign up and take advantage these engaging activities. Joining Instructions were emailed to each cadet’s 638Aircadets gmail account.
Merit Review Boards for WO2: We would like to wish the 5 WO2 candidates; FSgts Bonville, Brown- McKie, McParland, Neadow and Yelisyeyev, the best luck at the MRB being held virtually via Google Meeting tomorrow night (Thursday, 8 April from 1900-2130)
Promotions to Leading Air Cadet (LAC): Congratulations to the following cadets on their promotion to Leading Air Cadet (LAC). The criteria for a promotion from Air Cadet (AC) to LAC is to participate in the level 1 training program for 5 months. LAC Logan Palmer, LAC Connor Mills, LAC Nicolas Vermette, and LAC Krisha Alexander. I foresee more promotions in the next few months. Badges will be issued with uniforms when we resume in person training.
Lottery Tickets: $70,000.00 worth of cash prizes are up for grabs. Thank you to those who have contributed to our ticket sales. We currently stand at 50% sold. We have just over 3 weeks to meet our quota of 165 tickets. Please use this link to purchase tickets. 638 Squadron will automatically be credited for the sale to receive a % of the funds.
We are relying on you to meet our goal. Please share with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your continued support.