Who will be the CHAMPION of Final Challenge Trivia?  

Will it be you?? 

The event will begin promptly at 1900 hrs (7:00 pm) Wednesday, June 24th

(If you join late you will miss the earlier questions)

Trivia Challenge Rules

All cadets must use their full name i.e. Joe Bloggins when registering for the event. You will have 45 seconds to answer each of the 50, multiple-choice questions.  The questions are based on cadet training, current events, citizenship and other fun facts.

This live event is hosted on Crowdpurr and can be accessed on your cell phone, tablet, or your home computer/laptop.   Just click on the link below and enter your full name BEFORE the start of the event.


If you have any questions please contact Capt Morrisey @Mike Morrisey

Good luck to all the contestants!

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