The Virtual Cadet Summer Training courses are now available for viewing:
Registration opens @ 1100 hrs, Monday, June 29th
Please read all course details to ensure you meet all the requirements for a course before registering. Registration is by email and selection is on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.
You may select 3 Courses.
To Register you must email:
Your email MUST include
- Last Name
- First Name
- Squadron #: 638
- Squadron Element: Air
- The name of the Activity you wish to register for; select your top 3 in order of preference (note: you MAY be selected for all 3, should space permit)
- Language, i.e. English/French
- Provide a personal email address that the cadet participant has unlimited access to **NOT a school or business, or parent email, that the cadet cannot access
- If registering for music, identify which instrument you will be using
I recommend drafting your email in advance and double-checking to ensure all information is included and is correct. Incomplete/inaccurate information could delay the process or not being selected for a course/s.
HIT >SEND @ 1100 hrs
Cadets will be contacted once they are loaded on activity and provided instructions on how to log in to the learning tools required to participate in the activity.