- There will be a training day for level 4 and 5 cadets taking place on Sunday Sept 17th from 0800 (8:00 a.m.) to 1500 (3:00 p.m.) at 450 THS. Permission forms were handed out tonight and must be returned on Sunday. Lunch is provided. This training day will teach you how to instruct classes and be effective in the classroom. This is mandatory training and if you are not able to attend a training package will be provided to be completed in your own time.
- If you require replacement uniform parts, please speak with Cpl Bulmer as soon as possible. In the meantime, appropriate civilian attire will be acceptable for parade nights.
- This year’s Fall FTX will take place from September 29 to October 1, 2023, at the Kobylecki property 198 Zanders Road, Pembroke. Permission forms are now available at the office or by clicking here and must be returned no later than September 21. If you require additional information, please contact Capt Frampton – framptonh@638aircadets.ca.
- Validation form packages were handed out Thursday Sept 14th, 2023 and all 3 forms (validation, code of conduct, squadron handbook acknowledgement forms) are to be completed, signed and returned no later than October 5, 2023. Cadets that do not meet the October 5 deadline will be sent home and unable to participate until all completed/signed forms are handed in.
Please note that there are 2 new checkboxes on the form, Section 6 and Section 7 regarding consent to disclose information. Please ensure that you read these sections thoroughly with your parents.
- Cadets interested in Biathlon (Run and Shoot) are encouraged to sign up next week (21 Sep 23). Practices will be held Monday evenings at the Armoury from 1830-2030 hrs (6:30-8:30 pm).