- There will be a gliding day on Sunday Oct 15th. The cadets chosen to go gliding have received an email in their cadet gmail account with a request to complete a google form as well as reply with your current weight, these must be completed by Friday Oct 13th. If you are unable to access your google account see Capt McGinley following the parade. If you have handed in a permission slip and are no longer able to attend, please send an email to Captain McGinley (mcginleyg@638aircadets.ca) as soon as possible to ensure that the spot is filled.
We will meet at the Armoury at 0845 for a 0900 departure to Brockville, do not be late! You must have a health card and water bottle with you and be dressed for the day. Planned return is 1730 hours for pickup at the Armoury.
- Also upcoming is a 2 day overnight event hosted by OSLA (Ottawa Saint Lawrence Area) on the 20th – 22nd of October. The event will include various activities: C7 familiarization (16 yrs and above), Abseil, Obstacle course, marksmanship, and more . There are limited spots available and the event is geared more towards senior cadets, however any level cadet can apply to attend. Sign ups are now closed, all cadets that have signed up are able to attend. Permission slips can be found here: OSLA Fall Trg Permission Form and Joining instructions for the activity can be found here: OSLA Fall Trg Discretionary Supported Weekend JIs. Please note that you MUST bring a sleeping bag with you. These instructions have also been sent to your cadet gmail accounts.
Cadets are to be dropped off at the Armoury NLT 1745 Friday October 20th, and picked up by 1730 on Sunday Oct 22nd.
- Biathlon practice will be held Monday, October 16th at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830 to 2030 hrs. Dress is civilian sports wear suitable for outdoor running, including running shoes. Open to all cadets, simply show up if you are interested in participating.
Cadets are vying for a position on the Biathlon Team. The one day competition will be held on Sunday, November 12th at Connaught Ranges in Kanata. Transportation from the Pembroke Armoury and lunch will be provided. There is no cost for this activity. Once the team has been selected cadets and parents will be notified and further information will be provided. For more information email Captain Frampton (framptonh@638aircadets.ca).
Ottawa St Lawrence Area (OSLA) is looking for senior cadets interested in being employed as an official or in a support role at the Area Biathlon Competition on 12 Nov 2023. If you are interested please speak with Capt Frampton ASAP as the deadline to apply is 20 Oct 2023.
- Next week (Oct 19th, 2023) is regular training at the Armoury. Dress is FTU.
- If you require replacement uniform parts, please speak with Cpl Bulmer as soon as possible. In the meantime, appropriate civilian attire will be acceptable for parade nights.
- If you are interested in applying for PPS GPS, please see CI Hill following the parade. CI Hill can also be contacted via email at hills@638aircadets.ca. Deadline for signups is Tonight Thursday Oct 12th.
- Requirements for GPS (Glider Pilot Scholarship)
- Level 3 completed by June of the Current Training Year
- 16 years of age by Sept 1st, 2024
- Requirements for PPS (Power Pilot Scholarship)
- Level 4 completed by June of the Current Training Year
- 17 years of age by Sept 1st 2024
- Requirements for GPS (Glider Pilot Scholarship)