- Biathlon practice will be held Monday, November 6th at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830 to 2100 hrs. Dress is civilian sports wear suitable for outdoor running, including running shoes. This will be our last practice before the competition. This practice is only open to the selected team members. The teams have been selected and cadets have been advised.
The one day competition will be held on Sunday, November 12th at Connaught Ranges in Kanata. Transportation from the Pembroke Armoury and lunch will be provided. There is no cost for this activity. Once more information is received, Captain Frampton will email it to all selected team members and their parents/guardians. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Captain Frampton, (framptonh@638aircadets.ca).
- Poppy sales will be happening this Saturday Nov the 4th, the following cadets have been chosen to support:
10-12 Pembroke Walmart:
Cpl Hitchers
Cpl Nieman
10-12 Pembroke East End Mall:
Sgt Batlazar
Cpl Blanco
12-2 Pembroke Walmart:
FCpl Craig
FCpl Lemieux
12-2 Pembroke East End Mall:
Cpl Ranger
Cpl White
- We will also be participating in the Pembroke Remembrance day parade on Saturday Nov 11th. We ask that you arrive at the Pembroke Legion at 1000 hrs (10:00am) dressed in C1 (Full uniform with medals). Cadets will form up and march from the legion to the Pembroke Cenotaph and return to the legion for a chili lunch following the parade.
- If you require replacement uniform parts, please speak with Cpl Bulmer as soon as possible. In the meantime, appropriate civilian attire will be acceptable for parade nights.