Want to try your hands at flying a CH147F Chinook Helicopter or shoot the C6…well at least in the simulator? 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron with the assistance of CAE Inc have invited cadets and staff to their facility on Garrison Petawawa on Monday, February 17, 2020 (Ontario Family Day) from 0900-1200hrs. Cadets are to be at the entrance of building CC128 at no earlier than 0845hrs and no later than 0900hrs. A map to 450 Squadron will be posted on the Squadron website and Facebook page. Please note: NO cell phone or cameras are permitted inside (DO NOT BRING THEM!!!). Pick up will be at 1200hrs. If you have any questions email Capt Duchene at daniel.duchene@outlook.com. Dress is appropriate civilian attire. Red Squadron t-shirt or hoodie is encouraged.