- The air mass exercise is taking place this weekend (28-29 Sep 19). All cadets are to be at the Pembroke Armoury for 0630hrs on Saturday with breakfast eaten with all gear ready to go. Health Card and re-usable water bottle are absolutely necessary.
- Due to recent changes to air cadet gliding in Central Region (i.e. Ontario), we are now limited to one day of gliding in the Fall and one day of gliding in the Spring. 638 Algonquin Squadron has been scheduled to glide in North Bay on Saturday, October 5, 2019. We will travel up to North Bay on Friday, October 4, 2019 and return to Pembroke after a day of gliding on Saturday. We are limited to 30 cadets who can participate in Fall gliding. In order to participate in Fall gliding you must submit a completed permission slip no later than 2130hrs (9:30pm) on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. A final list of cadets who have been selected for Fall gliding will be posted on the Squadron’s website on Thursday, September 26, 2019. Priority for selection will be given to cadets who did not get an opportunity to glide last year. If you hand in your permission slip and something changes that you are unable to attend you must inform Captain Dan Duchene.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2019 is our first Sports Night at Valour School in Petawawa (19 Leeder Lane) from 1830hrs (6:30pm) until 2100hrs (9:00pm).
- Due to the Air Mass Exercise taking place this weekend there will not be an orienteering practice this weekend.
- Congratulations to FSgt Celeste Belanger who won the $5.00 coupon for the tagging draw.
- PARENT INFORMATION MEETING: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 1845hrs (6:45pm) at Valour High School (location of cadet sports night). This is a good opportunity to learn more about the cadet program so that you can help your child get the most out of their cadet experience. It is also a good time to ask any questions and find out what activities are coming up this year.
- Thank you to all cadets who participated in our Tagging Day last weekend. It was extremely successful. We raised o. We are very proud of the way that all cadets represented the Squadron. Our next fundraising event will be coming up soon. More information to follow.
- We will once again be holding a Bottle Drive a few times throughout the cadet year. Our first one will be on Wednesday, October 16th. Bring in your bottles and cans (anything that can be returned to the Beer Store) between 6:00pm and 6:45pm and we will return them to help support our Squadron.
- Trivia Night is back! Join us at the Pembroke Legion on Friday, November 8th at 7pm for a brain boosting round of trivia. Parents gather your friends and family to form teams of up to 8 people. Register at Sharon638aircadets@gmail.com. The cost is $10/person. This is an adult fundraising event.
- The new United Way campaign has been launched. If you donate to the United Way through your work we would ask you to consider directing your donation to 638 Squadron. The Squadron is registered as #638 Algonquin Squadron and our registration number is 130387665RR0036. All donations are greatly appreciated.
- Finally, to keep up-to-date on upcoming events and activities make sure to add 638 Squadron’s calendar to your favorites. Our calendar can be viewed at https://teamup.com/ksbdbda58dbf8c2db4