1. Drill Team Practice will be held on Wednesday nights from 1730-1830hrs at the Armoury all are welcome.
  2. Drill Team will be hosting a practice this Saturday Feb 29th from 0800 to 1200 hours. Lunch will not be provided please bring your wedge, boots, and a water bottle.
  3. Our next sports night March the 4th we will be conducting Fitness Testing and it will be held at the Pembroke Armoury.
  4. The following Cadets have qualified for this year’s marksmanship team:  WOI Sonoski, Sgt Yelisyev, FCpl Douglas, FCpl Spurrell, and Cpl Yelisyev.  Unfortunately, due to the cancellation of Cadets on Feb 26th I was unable to inform all of the candidates for this year’s team the results in person.  I will have all the results and targets for your review next Wednesday night.  I would like to thank all the Cadets who tried out for this year’s team.  I am very proud of you all and I encourage you to continue with the marksmanship program.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 613-983-6527 or at ch147fe@gmail.com.
  5. There will be a Marksmanship practice for the competitive team only on Sunday, March 1st from 1230-1630 (12:30pm-4:30pm) at the Pembroke Armoury.  This practice will be a practice for the competitive team only.  Regular Marksmanship nights will resume March 23rd.  If you any questions please see Capt Morrisey in person, or by email at ch147fe@gmail.com.
  6. 638 Squadron will be hosting a Winter Fun Day, Saturday, 7 March at Garrison Petawawa. This will be a fun filled, action packed day of winter activities including sledding, snowshoeing, camp fire lunch, floor hockey, and ending with a swim at the Dundonald Hall pool. Below is a list of cadets who have signed up. If you are not on the list, it’s not too late to sign up.  The form will be placed at the sign in table on Wednesday at the armoury, or you can email Captain Frampton at heatherframpton7@gmail.com.
Belanger Celeste
Chapman Lyrin
Clouthier Matthew
Collins Nathan
Gillam Ethan
Gilmour Aiden
Goudie Sarah
Goudie James
Jacyno William
Kamaeva Anna
Martineau Hunter
Nystad Nathaniel
Nystad-Kirk Kyra
Nystad-Kirk Morgan
Plowright Isaac
Shiman Arseny
Styan Ryan
Vermette Michel
Yelisyeyev Yaroslav
Yelisyeyev Stanislav
  1. Summer Training Opportunities – We are now accepting applications for summer training opportunities. You must apply online through our website 638aircadets.ca. Please ensure to read the course descriptions under summer training to ensure that you meet the prerequisites prior to submitting your applications. If you are unable to apply through the website, you must speak with our training officer Capt A McGinley or you can email him at gmcginley.gm@gmail.com with any questions you may have. It is important to remember that applying does not guarantee you a summer training opportunity. Only 2/3 of cadets that apply will be accepted due to the number of billets available.
  2. Cadets and parents are reminded that cadets should not be at the Armoury on Wednesdays prior to 1800hrs (6pm).
  3. Cancellation Policy Due to Weather – There may be a requirement to cancel a regular training night and/or activity from time to time due to weather conditions. Every effort will be made to publicize the cancellation on the Squadron’s Website and Facebook page no later than 1300hrs on the day in question. We encourage all cadets and parent/guardian(s) to check these two sources for updates.  As always parents and/or guardians should use their judgment when deciding whether or not to venture out on the roads to bring their son/daughter/ward to cadets.
  4. Finally, to keep up-to-date on upcoming events and activities make sure to add 638 Squadron’s calendar to your favorites.  Our calendar can be viewed at https://teamup.com/ksbdbda58dbf8c2db4

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