- Congratulations to our
boys Orienteering Team; WO2 Sonoski, FCpl Shiman and Cpl Vermette, who
placed 3rd at the 2019 Regional Orienteering Competition this past weekend in
Ottawa! Also to be congratulated is WO2 Sonoski
who took top spot in the Sr Male Category, Individual race. Well done to all competitors
and thank you to our volunteer staff cadets: Sgt Yelisyeyev, FCpl
Goudie and Cpl Yelisyeyev.
- Thank you to all the cadets who
volunteered with the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Campaign and the Royal
Canadian Legion’s Veteran’s Dinner this past weekend. Also a huge thank you to Captain Gerrard to
coordinating these events for 638 Squadron.
- Biathlon practice Saturday, 9
November, 1300-1430 hrs, at Pembroke Armoury. We will be inside and outside for
dry land training. Wear running shoes, athletic/sweat pants/leggings, jacket,
gloves, toque. Bring water bottle. Dress for the weather. Open to ALL cadets interested in learning
more about the sport.
- The Level 5 Weekend is happening
this Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 450 THS. Lunch will be provided.
Timings are 0755 to 1630. All Lvl 5s are expected and participants must
bring their Lvl 5 workbook, notepad and pen, and water bottle.
- Cadets and staff are requested to
arrive at the Pembroke Legion (NOT THE PEMBROKE ARMOURY) between 1015-1030hrs
to participate in the Pembroke Remembrance Day ceremony. Dress will be Full Cadet uniform for cadets.
Please wear your Parkas, toques, and gloves. The Squadron will march to the
Cenotaph with the main body for the parade, and dismissal will happen at the
Pembroke Legion following the ceremony. There will be food and beverages
following the ceremony at the Legion following the parade. Pick up at the Legion will be at 1230hrs.
- Cadets waiting for new uniforms or
just certain parts may not receive their uniforms before Remembrance Day. Please continue wearing appropriate civilian
attire until we receive a shipment from the supplier.
- Annual
Validation Forms and Squadron Handbook Acknowledgement Forms are due back to
the office no later than Wednesday, November 13, 2019. Cadets who do not hand in their forms by the
deadline will not be able to participate in any cadet activities until such
time as the forms have been completed and handed in. If you require another
validation form or handbook form please see the office on Wednesday. Questions to Capt Cathy Gerrard,
Administration Officer (catherine.gerrard@cadets.gc.ca).
- Ground School is cancelled on Monday, November 11, 2019.
- Marksmanship is cancelled on Monday, November 11, 2019.
- Cadets wishing to
participate in first aid training on 16-17 November 2019 are to contact Lt
Gavin McGinley via email at alexander.mcginley@cadets.gc.ca.
- Trivia Night is back! Join
us at the Pembroke Legion on Friday, November 8th at 7pm for a brain boosting
round of trivia. Parents gather your friends and family to form teams of up to
8 people. Register at sharon638aircadets@gmail.com. The cost is
$10/person. This is an adult fundraising event.
- 638 will once again be entering a
float in the Pembroke Santa Claus Parade of Lights on Saturday, November 23rd.
The theme for this years parade is “Miracle on Pembroke St”. All cadets
that would like to participate are asked to sign up in advance. Cadets will
meet in the Moncion Metro parking lot at 4:45pm.
- We will begin our first aid kit
fundraiser on Wednesday, November 6th. It will only be on for 3 weeks.
All orders must be in by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, so that they will be
in before Christmas. Kits range in price from $8.00 to $45.00.
Come and take a look. They will be on display at the beginning and end of
each Wednesday parade night. They would make great Christmas presents!
- Cadets and parents are reminded
that cadets should not be at the Armoury on Wednesdays prior to 1800hrs (6pm).
- The new United Way campaign has
been launched. If you donate to the
United Way through your work we would ask you to consider directing your
donation to 638 Squadron. The Squadron
is registered as #638 Algonquin Squadron and our registration number is
130387665RR0036. All donations are
greatly appreciated.
- Finally, to keep up-to-date on
upcoming events and activities make sure to add 638 Squadron’s calendar to your
favorites. Our calendar can be viewed at