- We hope you enjoyed your summer break and our happy to welcome you back for another training year! We will be hosting our annual Welcome Back BBQ for returning cadets on Thursday Sept 5th 2024 at the Pembroke Armoury on Victoria St. It will run from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and dress is appropriate civilian attire.
- We do have some activities coming up quickly:
- On Sept 14th the unit will be assisting 450 THS in their family day once again, if you are interested in volunteering place reach out to MWO Underwood at underwoodm@638aircadets.ca
- On Sept 15th we will be going down to the Brockville Airport for a fall gliding day. Fingers crossed for good weather. We will be able to take a total of 20 cadets on a first come first serve basis.
- Additional information on these activities and permission forms will be available this Thursday.