Optional Training
Cadets’ Summer Training General Information
Summer training is commonly referred to as summer camp by cadets. Their are over a dozen Cadet Training Centres (CTCs) across Canada offer a variety of exciting and dynamic training courses. Some are located in unique settings such as the as the Cold Lake, Alberta and Greenwood, Nova Scotia. Others offer specialized training, such as Connaught CTC where the training centre’s focal point is advanced training in marksmanship.
Regardless of where a cadet goes for summer training, he or she is certain to have a fun and rewarding summer. Summer training offers, for some, an opportunity to travel internationally while for others it means meeting new people from across Canada while learning.
Some important points about cadet summer training:
- All cadets applying for Air cadet summer training must meet the prerequisites and submit an application for summer training. These applications are submitted using FORTRESS – The National Administration System for the CCO, and are completed for cadets through their Sqn staff. Additionally, senior cadets applying for a National Course must complete a National Course Application and provide additional documentation for the selection process. 638 Squadron Cadets are to complete their application on this website, below. The squadron staff will complete and submit in FORTRESS.
- A cadet’s 19th birthday must occur after the return travel date.
- In all cases, the cadet must have demonstrated an interest in, and aptitude for, further Air cadet training to be recommended by the Squadron CO.
- Cadets who report for summer training and are found not to meet course prerequisites may be re-coursed or returned to unit, at the discretion of the CTC CO.
- Due to the remote location of some Cadet Training Centres (CTCs), cadets with severe allergies or other medical conditions that may require rapid medical attention may be precluded from attending certain courses.
- Applicants must have parent/guardian consent and must be recommended by their Commanding Officer (CO). The cadet must have successfully completed the required training level and also meet any other prerequisite(s) specific to the course(s) for which the application is made. A cadet’s 19th birthday must occur after the return travel date. In all cases, the cadet must have demonstrated an interest in, and aptitude for, further air cadet training. A cadet that has joined the program late and enrolled after 31 Mar cannot be credited with completing a training level by 30 Jun. Cadets who report for summer training and are found not to meet course prerequisites may be re-coursed or returned to unit, at the discretion of the CTC CO.
- Cadets are selected for a National Course by a board comprised of officials from the Air Cadet League of Canada (Ontario Provincial Committee) and officers appointed by the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central). Selections for these courses follow strict criteria that consider length of cadet service, rank, training level, previous summer training, school marks, general knowledge, dress, deportment, motivation, interest and aptitude. In order to evaluate these attributes, cadets must submit a copy of their school transcript. Further, some courses require attending an interview board, and successfully passing a qualifying examination. National course applications are submitted through the Sqn and are processed at their League Provincial Committee (OPC) office. Selections for National courses are completed and notification is provided to Sqns usually by 31 Mar.
- Selections are based on area allocations, previous training performance, and the Sqn CO’s recommendation.
- A cadet, other than a staff cadet, who is on a training course or exchange program authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff may be paid a bonus at a rate and of a duration to be determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, but not to exceed $60 per week up to a maximum of $360 for each course, cruise or program.
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Available Summer Training Courses
Cadet Administration and Supply Assistant (CASA) - Digital
required to be an administrative and supply assistant at the Corps, during regionally directed activities, and/or
as a staff cadet at a CAP/CTC. The aim of this course will be accomplished by providing dynamic and
challenging training that includes opportunity for practical application. The cadets will learn the theoretical and
technical skills required to assist the Corps Administration and Supply Officers.
Prerequisetes: Must have completed Level Three taining by 30 June
Location: N/A
Cadet Correspondent - Digital
Affairs. The modules include how to effectively use social media, take a great photo, and become a storyteller
of the corps/squadron. The cadet will need a device to capture imagery for use during the course.
Prerequisites: Must have completed Level Three training by 30 June
Location: N/A
Cadet Cyber Training Course - Digital
the work of Cyber Security, learning, and securing multi-platform operating systems (Windows and Ubuntu)
and interact with CAF/COATS Cyber Educators. Training provided will help cadets develop the Cyber Defence
skills required to compete in an online competition with other groups from across the world at the end of the
course. Successful participants will acquire the skill set to lead and support cadets in virtual and cyber activities
within the CCO.
Prerequisites: Must have completed Level Three training by 30 June
Location: N/A
Advanced Aviation Course (AAC)

This four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in-person)
provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject
matter knowledge required to be an instructor and team leader for aviation activities.
Activities include instructional technique, aviation communication and meteorology.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Proficiency Level
Three training by 30 Jun, and be motivated to pursue flying training.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Trenton CTC, ON|Greenwood CTC, NS
Music Course - Military Band (MB)
the cadet’s musical skills to the standard of the next music proficiency level. This training is to develop the
music proficiency of cadets and prepare them to support their Corps bands and related music activities. During
this course, instruction is also given in instrument maintenance & repair and other music-related skills, while
the more senior levels also learn some Instructional Techniques relating to music. Note: To improve music
proficiency level, cadets may undertake this course more than once.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Location: Vernon CTC, BC|HMCS Quadra CTC, ON
Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course (ARMIC)

The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in-person) is to develop
individual air rifle marksmanship and summer biathlon specialty skills while reinforcing and further developing
the leadership and instructional techniques skills preparing the cadets to support these two specialty activities
at the Corps, during regionally directed activities and/or as a staff cadet at a CAP/CTC. The cadet will be
provided with the necessary theoretical, technical, and practical skills required to monitor and instruct other
cadets during marksmanship training at the Corps.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Connaught CTC, ON|Argonaut CTC, NB
Drill & Ceremonial Instructor Course (DCIC)

The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in person)provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of a Drill and Ceremonial Instructor. Activities include advanced drill, instructional techniques and leadership in the conducting of parades and ceremonies.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown CTC, ON|Valcartier CTC, QC|Greenwood CTC, NS|Vernon CTC, BC
Fitness and Sports Instructor Course (FSIC)

The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in person)
provides cadets an opportunity to further personal fitness and healthy living knowledge and skills and develop
as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of a Fitness and Sports
Instructor. Activities include personal fitness, healthy living, conducting the Cadet Fitness Assessment, and
leading physical activities. Cadets attending this course will also have an opportunity to progress in their Cadet
Fitness Assessment Incentive Level.
Prerequisites: Must be medically fit, have completed Level Three training by 30 June and have achieved the overall fitness incentive level bronze, as detailed IAW CATO 51-01 and CATO 14-18
Locations: Argonaut CTC, NB|Valcartier CTC, QC|Vernon CTC BC
Survival Instructor Course (SIC)

The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in person) provides cadets
an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to perform the
duties of a Survival Instructor and team leader for aircrew survival activities. Activities include aircrew survival
skills, team and solo survival exercises, aircrew survival exercise operations, instructional technique, and
navigation by map and compass
Prerequisites:Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown CTC, ON|Valcartier CTC, QC
Glider Pilot Scholarship (GPS)

This six-week course is an intensive programme of ground school and in-flight glider pilot training. Cadets who successfully complete their flight test and Transport Canada (TC) written exam will qualify for a Glider Pilot Licence and be awarded Air Cadet Glider Pilot Wings.
Prerequisites: Must not hold any TC pilot licence. Must turn 16 by 1 Sep 18, be physically fit, be certified medically fit (Category 3) by a Canadian Civil Aviation Medical Examiner, have completed Level Three training by 30 Jun 18 and grade 9 by the application deadline, and must obtain a minimum passing score of 50% on the qualifying exam.
Certain height and weight restrictions are made necessary by the gliders used:
Height minimum 5’0”/162.4 cm, maximum 6’3”/190.5 cm;
Weight minimum 90 lbs/40.82 kg maximum 200 lbs/90.72
Locations: Mountain View CFTC, Debert CFTC, St-Jean CFTC, Gimli CFTC & Comox CFTC
Power Pilot Scholarship (PPS)

This seven-week course is an intensive programme of ground school and in-flight pilot training. Cadets who successfully complete their flight test and Transport Canada (TC) written exam will qualify for a Private Pilot Licence and be awarded Air Cadet Pilot Wings.
Prerequisites: Must be 17 by 1 Sep 18, be physically fit, be certified medically fit (Cat 3) by a Canadian Civil Aviation Medical Examiner, have completed Level Four training by 30 Jun 18 and grade 10 by the application deadline, and must obtain a minimum passing score of 50% on the qualifying exam.
Certain physical limitations are made necessary by the aircraft used:
Weight maximum 245 lbs/111.13 kg
Locations: Various Flight Training Units across Ontario
Staff Cadet – CTC & CAP

sites and CTCs. A staff cadet can assist the officer staff with the instruction and supervision of cadets or may
be tasked in an administrative or logistical support role. Rank and pay for staff cadets depend upon the
position; this is usually determined during a pre-course training and evaluation period.
Prerequisites: Must by 16 years of age prior to serial start date, and have completed Level Four training.
Location: Various CTC/CAP locations depending on preference.
Staff Cadet - IT-SMC OJT

program with information technology needs.
Prerequisites: Must by 16 years of age prior to serial start date, have completed Level Four training, and have an interes in information technology
Location: Brandon, MB
Staff Cadet - National Cadet Advisory Council (NCAC)

An in-person opportunity hosted by the Commander Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR) over a sixweek training period. This working group will provide the opportunity for the Commander and senior staff at the
headquarters to engage directly with a group of senior cadets from across the country on a variety of cadet
program related topics.
Prerequisites: Must be 16 years of age prior to serial start date, must have completed Level Four training by June 30.
- Priority may be given to cadets who are bilingual in both official languages
- Cadets applying to the NCAC must submit the following documents in support of their application:
- A letter of introduction from their Corps/Sqn CO (Commanding Officer); and
- A letter of interes from the cadets applying, reflecting their cadet training experice, leadership experience and confirm their language proficiency in both official languages.
Location: Nepean, On
International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE)

The purpose of the IACE is three-fold; to promote friendship and goodwill among Air cadets of the participating countries, to encourage participants to develop an interest in international affairs and to reward those Air cadets who have rendered outstanding services to their Sqns over a period of years. The IACE is intended only for outstanding senior cadets who will represent Canada with distinction. Exchange cadets visit air bases, centres of industry, world landmarks, universities, cultural centres and museums, plus they experience private hospitality with families in their own homes. Host countries include: Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States of America.
Prerequisites: Must be min 17 by 1 Aug, be medically and physically fit, have completed Level Five training by 30 June, and be admissible as a visitor to the destination country.
Cadet Activity Program - 1 (CAP-1) - Unavailable at this time
CAP-1 is a 4-day, daily drop-off, activity program designed for 12–13-year-olds.
It is intended to build confidence and facilitate meeting other cadets through participation as a member of a
peer-lead team in fun, safe, challenging, and well-organized activities. Where a local activity program is not
viable, some cadets may have the option to participate in a 4-day overnight-camp activity located in other
centralized locations throughout Ontario.
Prerequisites: None
Locations: CFB Petawawa
Cadet Activity Program - 2 (CAP-2)
year-olds. It is designed to build leadership and interpersonal skills, while fostering interest in future Cadet
Summer Training (CTC) opportunities. Where a local activity program is not viable, some cadets may have the
option to participate in a 7-day overnight-camp activity located in other centralized locations throughout
Prerequisites: None
Location: CFB Petawawa
General Training Course - Unavailable at this time

Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level One training by 30 June.
Basic Aviation Course (BAC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this three-week course is to provide cadets with the fundamentals of aviation training, building upon what has been taught in proficiency level two at the Sqn. This aim will be accomplished through the development of knowledge and skills, and by providing ample opportunity for practical application. By establishing a dynamic learning environment, this course will inspire the cadets to further pursue aviation training opportunities at the Sqn and on future aviation related cadet training courses.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Trenton, ON and Bagotville, QC
Basic Aviation Technology and Aerospace Course (BATAC) - Unavailable at this time
The aim of this three-week course is to further develop in cadets the fundamentals of aerospace, airport operations, aircraft manufacturing and maintenance, and inspire them to pursue specialist training in some or all of the subject areas. This aim will be accomplished through the development of knowledge and skills, and by providing ample opportunity for practical application. By establishing a dynamic learning environment and exposing the cadet to a variety of hands-on practical activities, this course will inspire a cadet to further pursue opportunities in the aerospace and aviation field at the Sqn and on future aerospace and aviation related CTC program courses.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Trenton, ON and Bagotville, QC
Advanced Aerospace Course (AASC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this six-week course is to develop a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to be an instructor and team leader for aerospace activities within the Air cadet program. This aim will be accomplished through the development of knowledge and skills relevant to various aspects of aerospace science and technology, and by providing ample opportunity for practical application within the format of a simulated space mission project. Candidates should show interest and ability for mathematics and physics.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
Advanced Aviation Technology Courses - Unavailable at this time
a. Airport Operations (AATC-AO)*
The aim of the AATC-AO is to introduce cadets to programming specific to airport operations. The aim will be accomplished through practical, hands-on learning modules that will reinforce theoretical notions. By establishing a dynamic learning environment and exposing the cadets to a variety of airport operations, they will be inspired to further pursue learning in this program area.
b. Aircraft Maintenance (AATC-AM)*
The aim of the AATC-AM is to introduce cadets to aircraft construction and maintenance. The aim will be accomplished through practical, hands-on learning modules that will reinforce theoretical notions. By establishing a dynamic learning environment and exposing the cadets to a variety of aircraft construction and maintenance functions, they will be inspired to further pursue learning in this program area.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: North Bay, ON
Basic Drill & Ceremonial Course (BDCC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this three-week course is to provide cadets with the fundamentals of followership, teamwork, drill and leadership training, building upon what has been taught in proficiency level two of the Sqn program. This aim will be accomplished by the development of self-confidence, knowledge and skills, and by providing ample opportunity for practical application. By establishing a dynamic learning environment that exposes the cadet to a variety of followership, teamwork, drill and leadership opportunities, this course will inspire the cadets to further pursue drill training at the Sqn and on the Drill and Ceremonial Instructor course.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown (Borden, ON) and Valcarder, QC
Basic Fitness & Sports Course (BFSC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this three-week course is to provide cadets with the fundamentals of fitness and recreational sports training, building upon what has been experienced at the Sqn. This aim will be accomplished through the development of skills and the provision of ample opportunity for practical application. The course will promote the development of ethical sports conduct, sportsmanship and teamwork. By establishing a dynamic learning environment that exposes the cadets to a variety of fitness and recreational sports opportunities, this course will inspire the cadets to further pursue fitness and recreational sports training at the Sqn and on the Fitness & Sports Instructor course. The cadets will be provided with the basic theoretical, technical, and practical skills required to assist in the delivery of the Sqn fitness and recreational sports training program.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON and Valcartier, QC
Basic Survival Course (BSC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this three-week course is to provide cadets with the fundamentals of survival training, building upon what has been taught in proficiency level two of the Sqn program. This aim will be accomplished through the development of knowledge and skills, and the provision of ample opportunity for practical application. By establishing a dynamic learning environment that exposes the cadets to the various aspects of a survival situation, this course will inspire the cadets to further pursue survival training opportunities at the Sqn and on the Survival Instructor Course.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON and Bagotville, QC
Military Band - Basic Musician Course (MB-BMC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of this course is to develop the music proficiency of cadets and prepare them to support their Sqn bands and related music activities. As well, they will experience some aspects of Air Cadet training to help them in their future course selections of the Air CTC program.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON
Military Band - Intermediate Musician Course (MB- IMC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of all Music Level Courses is to raise each cadet’s musical skills to the standard of the next music proficiency level. This training is to develop the music proficiency of cadets and prepare them to support their Sqn bands and related music activities. During this six-week course, instruction is also given in instrument maintenance & repair and other music-related skills, while the more senior levels also learn some Instructional Techniques relating to music.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have achieved the Basic music proficiency level and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON and Trenton, ON
Military Band - Advanced Musician Course (MB-AMC) - Unavailable at this time

The aim of all Music Level Courses is to raise each cadet’s musical skills to the standard of the next music proficiency level. During this six-week course, instruction is also given in instrument maintenance & repair and other music-related skills, while the more senior levels also learn some Instructional Techniques relating to music
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have achieved the music proficiency level 2 and have completed Level Four training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON and Trenton, ON
Pipe Band – Basic Musician Course (PB-BMC) - Unavailable at this time

This three-week course is identical to the MB-BMC, except that the music training is designed for members of a Sqn pipe and drum band.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Level Two training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON
Pipe Band - Intermediate Musician Course (PB-IMC) - Unavailable at this time

This six-week course is identical to the MB-IMC, except that the music training is designed for members of a Sqn pipe and drum band.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have achieved the music proficiency level 2 and have completed Level Three training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON
Pipe Band – Advanced Musician Course (PB-AMC) - Unavailable at this time

This six-week course is identical to the MB-AMC, but is intended for advanced members of a Sqn pipe and drum band.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have achieved the music proficiency level 3 and have completed Level Four training by 30 June.
Locations: Blackdown, ON