- Thursday, 28 Nov 2024 will be a COs Parade night at the Pembroke Armoury dress for cadets is C3, dress for staff is 3B.
- Marksmanship Team practices will continue on Monday Nov 25th and run from 1830 (6:30pm) to 2030 (8:30pm). Practices are open to all cadets. For additional information please reach out to Captain Morrisey.
- 638 will be hosting a Christmas formal on Friday Dec 6th. The surrounding cadet units have once again been invited to attend. Cost for this event will be $10 per person. The dance will run from 1900 hrs to 2200 hrs, there will be snacks and pizza provided with a canteen running if you would like to purchase anything additional. You will be allowed to bring 1 guest as long as they are between the ages of 12-19. Dress for the dance is semi-formal attire, cadets may wear their uniform in C2 order of dress.
- Cadet validation forms have been sent out over the past couple of weeks and were due back this evening. If you have not yet returned your validation form please do so as soon as possible or you will not be allowed to continue parading until it is returned
- For our cadets participating in ALP, you have been provided an information package tonight, please be sure to review it. You will need to arrive at the Pembroke Armoury NLT than 1830 ready to board the bus. You will be returning on Sunday Nov 24th at approximately 1625, please ensure there is somebody there to pick you up at that time.
- Cadet t-Shirts are now available for purchase at the office. The cost is $20 per shirt.
- As a reminder, our Squadron uses Facebook to share photos or last minute information when away on exercises. For week to week information please ensure to check our Squadron web page 638aircadets.ca for the weekly announcements. If have questions not covered in the weekly announcements please reach out to us via email at 638air@cadets.gc.ca
ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook or other messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone 343-369-8257. You can also find the squadron cell phone number on our website and at the top of our facebook page.