Optional Training 

In addition to weekly training and parades, our unit is home to five competitive teams and one specialty training: Biathlon, Drill, Duke of Edinburgh, Ground School, Marksmanship, and Orienteering.

None of these teams and activities are mandatory, however, all of our cadets participate in at least one team, and they take great pride in competing against other units across Ontario in various competitions.


Biathlon is an Olympic winter sport, which combines competitive, free-technique cross-country skiing and small-bore rifle marksmanship. Training consists of strength and cardiovascular conditioning through static exercises, running, and other dynamic activities.

In the Cadet Biathlon Competition, the biathlete skis a distance of no less than 5 kilometres and stops at the shooting range to shoot, two times.  The shooting distance is always 50 metres and five rounds are fired in each bout at five targets. Cadets shoot in the prone position only, with a .22 calibre rifle. The competition takes place annually, in February.


Drill Team

A Drill Team is a group of cadets that marches and performs military drill movements. Drill takes a great deal of concentration and discipline and gives our cadets a strong sense of accomplishment. Drill movements consist of standing drill which is when the cadet remains in a stationary platoon and marching drill where the cadets are mobilized and move together.  These movements can be completed with or without arms (de-commissioned drill purpose rifles).

Drill team members are expected to maintain an exceptionally high level of dress and deportment standards as they have a great sense of pride in their uniforms.

Ground School

The Flying Scholarship Program helps prepared cadets who wish to apply for the Glider Pilot Scholarship (GSP) and the Power Pilot Scholarship (PPS).

The Glider Pilot Scholarship and Power Pilot Scholarship are two of the highest achievements available in the Air Cadet Program. Cadets who wish to receive this scholarship spend months studying and preparing for the qualifying exams and interviews. 

Cadets at any level can participate in the Ground School Course, however, only those who meet the requirements, and are selected, will be permitted to write the entrance exam and continue in the weekly classes up until the regional exam in January.

It is highly recommended that any cadet interested in applying to the GSP or PPS, participate in Ground School Course each year, even if they are not yet eligible to write the entrance exam to gain experience and knowledge.

Ground School

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Conceived by his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, the program aims to help young persons develop strength of character, leadership and personal discipline through four sectors of activity: community service, sports activities, skills, and expedition.

Like Army Cadets, the Award Program is voluntary and each individual is assessed on effort, improvement and challenge, making the Award attainable by all.

The program allows you to work at your own pace, accumulate certain number of hours per week in different categories.

Many of the hours required in the program are already being done by most of you just by being in the Army Cadets. For example, if you are on the Drill Team, you can use Drill Team practices as a skill development activity or as a physical activity. If you teach on training nights, you meet the community service requirements.

For Ontario students who require 40 hrs of community service to graduate, those hours can be put towards the award as well. If you take music lessons, horseback riding lessons, or whatever your interest may be outside of cadets, it can all be used toward the requirements of this program.

For more information on Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, please, visit www.dukeofed.org


Competitors in this team are selected based on past performances and corps familiarization shoots. Cadets use the Daisy 853C air rifle to fire upon paper targets. The bull, or dead center, is about the size of the head of a pen, so accuracy is extremely difficult to achieve. While firing, each cadet also has a coach beside them to change sights, pump the rifle, and make minor adjustments and suggestions. Cadets on this team are always supervised by an RSO and coach.

Cadets compete against one and other to see who can score the highest! The team also gets the opportunity to fire the Lee Enfield No.4 (.22 calibre) rifle.



The orienteering team tracks and seeks out flags hidden in the bush. The points are set in advance by the coordinator and the grid references are recorded. The official gives the coordinates to the competitors, who must then plot them on their map and seek them out, stamping their timecard at each flag. The team that completes the competition the fastest, and with the most stamps, wins the competition.

In some cases, points are different for each flag as some are more difficult to seek out. In this case, the team commander must decide which route is best for his/her team.


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