- Marksmanship practice will continue on Mondays from 1800-2100 for only the Cadets representing the Sqn at the zone competition. Once the competition is over, Marksmanship nights will reopen to all Cadets. Capt Morrisey can be contacted at morriseym@638aircadets.ca
- Next Thursday, 25 Jan 2024, will be a CO’s parade at the Pembroke Armoury. Dress is C3 for cadets. If your parents wish to attend we ask that they be seated no later than 8:40 pm.
- For those who have signed up for the first aid course offered by 450 THS Instructors. The course will run from 0800 to 1600 on Saturday Jan 20th and Sunday Jan 21st; the course will qualify passing cadets to Standard First Aid and CPR level C. Lunch will be provided for both days. Due to resources available we are only able to send 12 cadets to this course as opposed to the announced 15.
- Due to a last minute schedule conflict we postponed the date of the Groundhog Formal Dance that was originally scheduled for 2 Feb 2023 to a later date which will be announced shortly. Stay tuned.
- 638 Sqn cadets may participate in the upcoming Mt Pakenham Ski/Snowboard day being held on Saturday, February 10th. Cadets must complete the registration form below no later than 25 Jan 2024. Payment is due no later than 1 Feb 2024. Details are included on the form below. Questions can be directed to Capt Frampton at framptonh@638aircadets.ca
- ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone (343-369-8257)