- Marksmanship practice will continue on Mondays from 1800-2100 for only the cadets representing the Sqn at the zone competition. Once the competition is over, marksmanship nights will reopen to all cadets. Capt Morrisey can be contacted at morriseym@638aircadets.ca if you have any questions.
- Next Thursday, 15 Feb 2024, will be a regular training night at the Pembroke Armoury. Dress is FTU for cadets and CADPAT for adult staff.
- Thursday, 15 Feb 2024 at 1800h, we will be having a drill team practice. Everyone is still welcomed to attend, as the team has not been picked yet. Please bring your wedge at every practice, regardless of dress of the day (also have your proper headdress with you for the rest of the evenings parade)
- Due to a last minute schedule conflict we postponed the date of the Groundhog Formal Dance that was originally scheduled for 2 Feb 2024 to Friday March 1st 2024. All cadets are welcome to attend and may bring 1 guest. Cost per person is $10 payable at the door. The dance will be held at the Pembroke Armoury from 1900 (7:00 pm) to 2300 (11:00pm). All cadets who intend to participate are asked to complete this form, for planning purposes.
- Cadets registered for the Mt Pakenham Ski/Snowboard day Saturday, February 10th are to meet at the Armoury at 0630 hrs (6:30 am)and be picked up at 1730 hrs (5:30p.m). Cadets must have eaten breakfast before arrival. Lunch will be provided and cadets may wish to bring some spending money. Cadets MUST have their provincial health card and a filled water bottle. Questions can be directed to Capt Frampton at framptonh@638aircadets.ca.
- Monday, February 19, 2024 (Ontario Family Day) from 0900-1130 hrs cadets will have an opportunity to try flying a CH147F Chinook Helicopter or shoot the C6…well at least in the simulator. 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron with the assistance of CAE Inc have invited cadets and staff to their facility on Garrison Petawawa. Cadets are to be at the entrance of building CC128 at no earlier than 0845hrs and no later than 0900hrs. Please note: NO cell phones or cameras are permitted inside (DO NOT BRING THEM!!!). Pick up will be at 1130 hrs. If you have any questions email Capt Morrisey at morriseym@638aircadets.ca. Dress is appropriate civilian attire. Red Squadron t-shirt or hoodie is encouraged. Please sign up here.
- Lord Strathcona and Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Medal of Excellence applications are now being accepted. The deadline to submit narratives is 7 March 2024. To see the full requirements for these medals and if you would like to be considered as a candidate for this award, please click here. for more details and to apply for both or either medal. Alternatively you may submit your narrative to Capt Frampton no later than 7 March 2024 (or email her at heather.frampton@cadets.gc.ca).
- The Lord Strathcona Medal is one of the highest awards which can be bestowed upon a cadet. It is awarded annually to cadets to recognize exemplary performance in physical training as well as their service, performance, and excellence as a cadet. The recipient must have a comprehensive knowledge of the activities of the Cadet Program and must meet specific requirements.
- Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence is awarded in recognition for individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement. The program is wholly sponsored by the RCL.
- ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone (343-369-8257)