- Marksmanship practice will be discontinued until mid May to allow for Drill Practices.
- Next week is March Break, there will not be any cadet activities during the week. Our next regular training night will be Thursday, 21 Mar 2024, at the Pembroke Armoury. Dress will be FTU.
- Monday, 18 Mar 2024 a drill practice will be held at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830-2030 hrs. Please contact Cpl Craig at cragicy@638aircadets.ca if you have any questions.
- Thursday, 21 Mar 2024 at 1800h, we will be having a drill team practice. Everyone is still welcomed to attend, as the team has not been picked yet. Please bring your wedge at every practice, regardless of dress of the day (also have your proper headdress with you for the rest of the evenings parade)
- Lord Strathcona and Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Medal of Excellence application deadline has past. Thank you to those who submitted their application narratives. The successful recipients will be presented the medals at our Annual Ceremonial Review in June.
- Maple Syrup Fundraising period is now complete. All orders and payments are due tonight. Thank you to everyone who placed orders. The date of delivery will be announced once confirmed by the vendor.
The prizes for the top 3 sellers and the draw will be announced on Thursday, March 21st.
- Cadet t-Shirts are now available for purchase at the office. The cost is $20 per shirt.
- Summer training applications are now open on the squadron website. Summer training this year will be focused on a CTC experience for year 2 to year 6 cadets, at this time there is no plan for level 1 summer training. If you are interested in applying further information about each course can be found on Canada.ca. Once you decide on the course you would like to apply to please complete the summer training application form on the website under Training > Summer Training > Summer Training Application.
ATTENDANCE: Upon arrival at the Armoury all cadets are required to sign in on the attendance sheet that is placed on a table inside the entrance to the parade square. IF a cadet arrives late, they are to report to the office to sign in before heading to their class. As a reminder facebook or other messages are not accepted for excusals. You must call or text the squadron cell phone 343-369-8257. You can also find the squadron cell phone number on our website and at the top of our facebook page.