- This year’s Fall FTX will take place from September 29 to October 1, 2023, at the Kobylecki property 198 Zanders Road, Pembroke. Senior cadets (Levels 4 and 5) are invited to assist in the setup and stay overnight from 1830 hrs Friday Sept 29th. All other cadets are asked to be dropped off by their parents NLT 0800 hrs Sept 30th, 2023. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Capt Heather Frampton. (framptonh@638aircadets.ca)
- There will be a gliding day on Sunday Oct 15th for those interested in attending. Permission forms will be going home tonight and must be returned by Thursday Oct 12th. There are only 15 spots available and priority will be given to Senior cadets as this will be the unit’s first gliding day since the spring of 2017. If you hand in a permission slip and are no longer able to attend, please send an email to Captain McGinley (mcginleyg@638aircadets.ca) as soon as possible to ensure that the spot is filled. The permission slip can be found here: Fall Gliding Permission Form.
- Also upcoming is a 2 day overnight event hosted by OSLA (Ottawa Saint Lawrence Area) on the 22nd-23rd of October. The event will include various activities: C7 familiarization (16 yrs and above), Abseil, Obstacle course, marksmanship, and more . There are limited spots available and the event is geared more towards senior cadets, however any level cadet can apply to attend. If you are interested please put your name down on the signup sheet at the attendance table prior to leaving tonight, or email Captain McGinley (mcginleyg@638aircadets.ca). More Information will follow as it becomes available.
- Validation form packages were handed out Thursday Sept 14th, 2023 and all 3 forms (validation, code of conduct, squadron handbook acknowledgement forms) are to be completed, signed and returned no later than October 5, 2023, that is next Thursday. Cadets that do not meet the October 5 deadline will be sent home and unable to participate until all completed/signed forms are handed in.
Please note that there are 2 new checkboxes on the form, Section 6 and Section 7 regarding consent to disclose information. Please ensure that you read these sections thoroughly with your parents.
- Biathlon practices will take place each Monday evening at the Pembroke Armoury from 1830 to 2030 hrs. If you were unable to attend a practice please send an email to Captain Frampton (framptonh@638aircadets.ca).
- Next week (Oct 5th, 2023) will be our first Sports Night. Dress is appropriate sport gear, with a Squadron T-Shirt if you have one. The sports night will take place at Valour High School, 19 Leeder Lane, Petawawa. Ensure that you bring a full water bottle with you!
- If you require replacement uniform parts, please speak with Cpl Bulmer as soon as possible. In the meantime, appropriate civilian attire will be acceptable for parade nights.
- If you are interested in applying for PPS GPS, please see CI Hill following the parade. CI Hill can also be contacted via email at hills@638aircadets.ca.
- Requirements for GPS
- Level 3 completed by June of the Current Training Year
- 16 years of age by Sept 1st, 2024
- Requirements for PPS
- Level 4 completed by June of the Current Training Year
- 17 years of age by Sept 1st 2024
- Requirements for GPS